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The Connected Life

Oct 31, 2022

It’s easy to go through life experiencing a sense of loss, disconnection, pain, and loneliness. The narrative we often tell ourselves about our story is one of lack. But, what if it was possible to cultivate a lifestyle of feeling joyful, hopeful, safe, and loved regardless of your past, present, or future? What if...

Oct 24, 2022

Fear is a universal human experience. Not one of us is immune to it. Often times we live in denial and tell ourselves that we don’t have fear while the effects of it are very present in our lives. What if fear wasn’t meant to bind us, but rather a map meant to liberate us into our unique design?

In this episode...

Oct 17, 2022

As humans, most of our lives are spent seeking to prove we’re loveable. We invest countless amounts of time performing tasks, and pursuing accomplishments, for the sake of a notoriety that will hopefully give us a sense of acceptance and value. One of the many avenues to earning this love is through...

Oct 10, 2022

The storms of life can have a way of leaving us feeling small and fragile. Like a broken down shack ready to topple over, many of us keep our heads down in hopes that we’ll survive our problems unscathed. But what if the storms we face were invitations to build a resilience that carries us into the destiny each of us...

Oct 3, 2022

Connection isn’t something that just happens by proximity. Over time connection is something this is deliberately fostered through experiences and conversations that create a deeper knowing of one another. Often times the process of building connection can feel difficult and even mysterious. The truth is, connection...