Sep 26, 2022
The journey of aging extends an invitation to learn and grow from our victories, losses, sufferings, and celebrations. Not everyone surrenders to the process, but to those who stop resisting, gold nuggets collected from each season of life become a store house of riches ready to help you create a life fully lived.
Sep 19, 2022
Courage has many expressions, but rarely is the act of vulnerably sharing our story branded as one of them. For many men, our story is held tightly to our chest, guarded by outward acts of accomplishment and performance. The thought of exposing our truth is so terrifying that it’s considered weak to do so. Mustering...
Sep 12, 2022
For some couples, the early stages of marriage can be filled with wild romps in bed and mind blowing orgasms. For others, it’s a Sunday morning church service, not too exciting, predictable, but gets you where you need to go, and for others, the plane never even gets off the runway. Regardless of what camp you’re...
Sep 5, 2022
Relationships have a way of bringing out the best and the worst of our humanity. Giving ourselves to others in these relationships can be scary. Behind some of the most difficult messes we make, with the people we care about the most, are wounds that have evolved out of the way that we learned how to attach as children....