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The Connected Life

Jun 26, 2023

With the overwhelming demands of life, most parents can barely survive their own emotions, let alone navigate their children’s ups and downs. It’s natural to want to train a child to be compliant, but what if the long-term results were emotionally stunted adults who are incapable of processing through emotions? What...

Jun 19, 2023

No family is without its messiness. Most homes have their cycles of intensity, silence, disconnection, and chaos. Emotions are either shut down or dominate the culture. But what if there was hope to rewire even the most difficult situations and establish healthy expressions of emotions and ways to relate?

In part 1 of...

Jun 12, 2023

For most of us, fulfillment is something that hangs from a string, off in the distance, just out of our grasp. We wait  until the stars have aligned, and our list of expectations have been checked off, in order to be happy. Until then, we live dissatisfied and frustrated about the life right in front of us. But, what if...

Jun 5, 2023

Every mother and daughter have their own unique story. The desire to have a healthy connection is universal but the reality of that kind of relationship is often different. For mothers and daughters that have a history of messiness it can sometimes feel difficult to navigate the muddy waters, if not impossible all...