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The Connected Life

Jun 5, 2023

Every mother and daughter have their own unique story. The desire to have a healthy connection is universal but the reality of that kind of relationship is often different. For mothers and daughters that have a history of messiness it can sometimes feel difficult to navigate the muddy waters, if not impossible all together. But what if there were practical steps and a story that could infuse hope into the possibility of restoration?

In this episode Justin and Abi are joined by Melanie and her daughter Amanda. The two open up about their strained relationship that grew from Melanie’s lifestyle of fear and her need to control. Amanda shares about her process of slowly and silently shutting down to the point of having no connection at all. Together they discuss how Melanie’s personal healing journey, and the process of writing a book together, bloomed into a deep connection and an understanding of each other. 

If you’re wanting to hear a heartwarming story of hope and restoration that reminds you of the goodness and possibilities in this world, this episode is a MUST!

And if you're wanting your FREE checklist mentioned in the episode, along with a notification on the release of this amazing book you can click here to get connected! 

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