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The Connected Life

May 25, 2020

Red flags are all the rave in relationship advice, but what about green lights? What are key signs to look for when choosing a friend or mate? Understanding DOs can be even more critical than understanding DON’Ts!

In this episode Justin and Abi lay out 12 fundamental green lights to look for when exploring ...

May 18, 2020

As humans, we have a tendency to make mistakes and be messy. If we spend any depth of time in relationship with one another, we’re bound to create painful moments for the ones we love the most. Knowing that problems are inevitable, repairing relationships is an art form worth learning. At the foundation of all...

May 11, 2020

It’s easy to feel out of control and barraged by emotions. Sometimes it’s unclear what we’re feeling, or why we’re feeling it. The truth is, emotions are an energy pulsating in us and through us. We are consistently broadcasting this energy to the world around us. Through intelligent design, we have been made...

May 4, 2020

It’s easy to find ourselves having complete meltdowns over seemingly trivial things. Without proper investigation, we can end up shaming ourselves, or turn against the ones we love the most.

These “trivial things”, that turn us upside down, are meant to be the starting point of a road map to understanding...