Feb 22, 2021
As humans we were designed to be progressively growing, evolving, and maturing. The process for this to happen can often look messy and feel very disrupting, especially in relation to faith. In order to express a life of mature love, however, this journey is a must.
In this episode Abi and Justin explore the six...
Feb 15, 2021
Like anything else, religion is filled with rules and ideologies that we adopt as the truth we should live by. If we spend enough time in any system, we will all eventually be faced with circumstances that invite us to question what we believe.
In this episode, Justin and Abi talk about some of the key misconceptions...
Feb 8, 2021
For many, faith and mental health simply don’t mix. People either have strong spiritual practices that lack practical understanding of the human condition or they lack any type of spirituality and their tools for self-help are their religion.
In this episode Abi and Justin bridge the gap between faith and emotional...
Feb 1, 2021
Since the beginning of time, religion has been a universal thread throughout humanity. Though varying immensely in its expression from culture to culture, the sad but common bond of performance ties them all together.
In this episode Justin and Abi use their Christian faith as the focus of dialogue to explore how all...