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The Connected Life

Dec 11, 2023

For most of us the idea of failure is filled with a sense of dread. It’s often associated with shame, punishment, and disconnection. It often feels like is says something negative about who we are. But what if failure wasn’t an abusive bully, but rather a friendly mentor rooting for us to succeed?

In this episode Abi and Justin are joined by their good friend and owner of The Adventure Challenge, Bryant Ellis. Bryant discusses the toxic relationship many of us have with failure, the misconceptions that people have about it, and how failure became an intimate friend that has been foundational to his success. Together they share ways they’ve all grown through their failures and how a few simple changes in your perspective can forever alter the way you experience life.

If you want to gain confidence and create momentum, this episode will help you adjust the way you see your messiest moments while giving you the courage to try things you’ve only dreamed of. Don’t miss out!

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