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The Connected Life

Nov 29, 2021

Self-Care is often misinterpreted as a shallow, selfish, narcissistic romp rooted in endless spa days, trips with your friends, buying a ton of needless material junk, and gorging yourself on sugary delights until type 2 diabetes kicks into overdrive. But is all of that really self-care?

In this episode, Justin and Abi...

Nov 22, 2021

At a young age, through nature and nurture, we find ourselves being wired to relate to the world in ways that aren’t always freeing. For many of us, we operate out of the extremes of co-dependance or independence. This can leave us believing things about others that isn’t true to their feelings. If we’re not put...

Nov 15, 2021

The emotional health journey can sometimes feel like being trapped on a hamster wheel while the sounds of children chanting, “Are we there yet?!” echo out in the background. But what if emotional health isn’t about a destination, as much as a way of life?

In this episode Justin and Abi explore 10 signs that point...

Nov 8, 2021

(Updated Audio)

Social media has woven itself into humanity in a way, that since its inception, an entire generation can now say they have never known a life without it. This medium of human interaction has changed the way we relate to ourselves and the people around us, for better and for worse. In a world that...

Nov 1, 2021

Each of us has a story. This story is the collection of our experiences that shape our beliefs and decisions. Knowing and understanding our story is the first step to compassion and healing. Each of our stories is vital to humanizing ourselves and the world around us.

In this episode Justin and Abi talk about the...