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The Connected Life

Jun 24, 2019

For many people dating can be vulnerable, scary, and feel as though there are no clear rules on “how to” do it right. But like anything in life, there is a lot of gray space when it comes to dating and rules are more like shackles than a map to freedom.

In this episode Abi and Justin throw out the rules and instead...

Jun 17, 2019

As humans, tragedy and loss are unavoidable. Because of this, pain is a universal part of life. For most of us, we feel lost in a sea of these painful moments that we have no tools to navigate through. We stumble through life surviving the bumps and bruises we are forced to endure simply because we haven’t been taught...

Jun 10, 2019

For most people, conversations about how we’ve been hurt and how we’ve hurt others are often terrifying and filled with anxiety.
Because of this, we spend our entire lives trying to run from the past and, in doing so, we disconnect from those we love the most.
In Part 2 of How Our History Shapes...

Jun 3, 2019

In this incredibly raw and exposing episode Justin opens up the doors to his personal life like never before!

During a live recorded counseling session Justin speaks out about his deep wounds with his father. Through blunt honesty and tears he purges a history of bottled up pain.

If you’ve ever wondered what it...