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The Connected Life

Nov 25, 2019

The holidays can be filled with all kinds of emotions and unexpected experiences. For some, the holidays are full of fond memories, for others, they're a time we want to forget all together. The day we call Thanksgiving is meant to be a reminder of what we’re thankful for. For many of us, we’ve forgotten that it’s more than a tradition, and we’re in necessary need of making it a lifestyle.

Join Abi and Justin as they share a wild Thanksgiving story and tackle keys to thriving through the holidays, while simultaneously highlighting the power of living a lifestyle of thankfulness. Perspective dictates the objective, guiding the trajectory of our lives. If you want greater connection to the life right in front of you, an adjustment to your narrative is a must!

And don't forget to check out to learn more about Living Fully Alive 2020 starting in January!