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The Connected Life

Nov 13, 2023

Creating a life of wholeness isn’t for the faint of heart. Choosing to foster change and development can feel like a lonely road. The process is difficult and the end result is never perfection. No matter how much we grow, messiness is always part of our human experience. But the beauty of the journey is that we don’t have to do it alone!

In this Episode Abi and Justin chat with two friends that found each other in Life Consulting MasterClass, Amy and Emily. The two share about their emotional healing process and its impact on their families, how they became friends in the program, the risky decision to have a family vacation with one another, and the powerful ways they’ve grown over the last year. Amy describes the shocking response her son gave her after she had a meltdown and Emily opens up about one of the most transformational moments of her adult life.

If you love hearing relatable stories that inspire you to take risks and break out of the box you’ve created for yourself, this episode is just what you’re looking for!

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