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The Connected Life

Apr 17, 2023

Human trafficking globally is an estimated $150 billion a year industry. With estimates of 25-40 million people being trafficked at any given time, this business of modern day slavery is vastly under exposed. In such a large and nefarious enterprise, largely affecting the likes of vulnerable women and children, it’s easy to turn a blind eye to something that seems impossible to impact, but what if it wasn’t so impossible?

In this episode Justin is joined by his good friend, Benji Nolot, an abolitionist and filmmaker. Benji discusses his work exposing the trafficking industry, how he was inspired, the personal affects this work has had on his life, his most recent film Buying Her, and how we can all participate in ending the demand that fuels modern day slavery. 

If you have a desire to see justice and freedom for victims of oppression, this episode will move you, inspire you, and help you better understand the role you can play in bringing hope to the darkest parts of this world. This is a MUST listen to and SHARE episode!