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The Connected Life

Jan 31, 2022

In a noisy, media-driven world, filled with politics, drama, and plenty of expectations, it’s easy to stay focused on anything other than connection to our own heart. But what if it all suddenly stopped and we were forced to embrace a moment of solitude that left us nowhere to run?

In this episode Justin returns from a divinely inspired 8-day trek into the Texas desert, where he found himself face to face with feelings he didn’t know he had. Justin shares with Abi the struggles he encountered as all the noise quickly faded away and the real wrestle began. Through incredibly authentic transparency, he reveals some of the deepest aches that surfaced as he surrendered to the silence and chose in to connecting with himself.

Though scary at times, a purging and liberation emerged from his experience.

If you’re wanting inspiration and courage to tackle some much needed reconnection to yourself, this is unique story is just what the doctor ordered!

Also, enrollment for Living Fully Alive 2022 is happening now! Be sure to check out to find out how you can experience a life fully lived for yourself and the ones you care about the most!

Class starts March 2nd 2022!