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The Connected Life

Sep 16, 2019

For many people, understanding a woman’s sex drive could be considered more valuable than a diamond mine! A woman’s sex drive can even seem as mysterious to a woman as it is to a man. Often times, men find themselves guessing what women want in the bedroom, and that kind of pressure can seriously kill the mood.

What if we told you that there was a road map that nobody talks about? Whether women want to admit it or not, one of the keys to that secret map are hormones! Understanding the role hormones play in the bedroom can make or break intimacy.

In this episode Abi and Justin are joined by Pietze as they shamelessly talk about the power of hormones and how they affect sex. For all the singles out there, this dose of hormonal reality is the perfect foundation for a future healthy relationship. If you’re married and want a better sex life, this episode is a must!