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The Connected Life

Jan 2, 2023

As a New Year begins, reflecting on the past and thinking about our future is normal. For many people, it’s become popular to start the year off with vision boards, detailing many of our hopes and desires. However, vision and inspiration for life often revolve around what we “do” rather than “who” we are. But what if vision began with “who” we are becoming and the rest of the dreams and desires followed?

In this first episode of 2023 Justin and Abi take a look at their own process of getting vision for who they’re becoming and how they approach what they want to do. They explore the power of following their own intuition, connecting to something bigger than themselves, and learning how to be at peace in the process of not knowing how things will play out.

Sometimes peoples can feel defeated or overwhelmed when looking at the future, but getting vision and living inspired IS possible! Stop what you’re doing and start the year off with this MUST listen to episode. 

Also, it’s the FINAL week to sign up for Living Fully Alive 2023. Head to to get enrolled now!