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The Connected Life

Feb 14, 2022

Neighbors can be difficult to love. They vote, believe, and talk differently. Their lifestyles might just contradict our entire value system. Our time with them, however, is limited. But what about the person in the mirror that you spend 24/7 with? If you don’t love them well, your neighbor doesn’t stand a chance.

Marcus Miller joins Abi and Justin as they discuss the hesitancy to love yourself in the faith community. They address the narcissistic selfishness that people fear loving yourself will produce. Together the shatter destructive paradigms as they explore what the Creator's heart is around self-love.

If you have a value for growing in love towards the world around you, and living a healthy life, this is an episode perfect for you!

Also, enrollment for Living Fully Alive 2022 is happening now! Be sure to check out to find out how you can experience a life fully lived for yourself and the ones you care about the most!

Class starts March 2nd 2022!