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The Connected Life

Feb 7, 2022

Emotions tend to get a bum rap in faith communities. Often times the two are treated as mutually exclusive and emotions have the potential to be seen as enemies of faith. But what if emotions and faith were designed to coexist?

In this 5-part series Marcus and Brianna Miller join the Stumvolls. They attempt to tackle the many examples throughout faith that give legitimacy to emotions. They examine God’s expression of emotions as well as His grace for them in the human experience.

If you’ve ever been part of a faith institution that looks down on emotions, or simply dismisses them, this series will bring you clarity and give you confidence to embrace your humanity and the many gifts it offers!

Also, enrollment for Living Fully Alive 2022 is happening now! Be sure to check out to find out how you can experience a life fully lived for yourself and the ones you care about the most!

Class starts March 2nd 2022!

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