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The Connected Life

Jan 3, 2022

Choosing to get honest with ourselves about the reality of our upbringings can often times feel incredibly difficult. The implication that our families are imperfect means that there is a good probability that healing is necessary. But the invitation is always for an opportunity to experience a life fully lived.

In part one of this three part series Justin and Abi sit down with Mariah and her father Steve as they share how Mariah’s choice to get honest with herself began the journey of profound healing for the rest of the family. Through tough conversations Steve found himself face to face with his own demons that kept him in years of destructive cycles. Finding grace through a simple yes, Steve not only found love and compassion that started to heal himself and those he loved the most, but he also got equipped for a battle no family should ever be forced to fight.

A story of healing, tragedy, and redemption, this series will give you hope for the worst circumstances, and reveal radical, miraculous forgiveness and compassion that only comes from connection to an unrelentingly loving Creator.

This is one of the most impactful series The Connected Life has done to date and you WON’T want to miss it!

Enrollment for Living Fully Alive 2022 is happening now! Be sure to check out to find out how you can experience a life fully lived for yourself and the ones you care about the most!

Class starts March 2nd 2022!